


Pride & Prejudice

Days left: 32

I am starting to feel the stress of the orientation, the payment dates, and the rest of the things I need to do before I move. It's okay, God is with me and He takes care of me so I know there is nothing to fear. Still, the emotion is so visceral and vehement that it's usually easier to succumb to the passionate sentiment than fight against it. Oh well.

Pride & Prejudice was the first classic book I read outside of school and I must say, it introduced me to a magnificent world. The characters, Elizabeth Bennett, Mr. Darcy, and thick rich plot, and the happy ending makes Jane Austen the original chick lit queen. Plus, after seeing the 2005 movie adaptation, I just want myself a Mr. Darcy who will profess his ardent love for me under the rain.

(the ultimate Lizzy)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in a want of a wife

perhaps the greatest words ever spoken as an opening dialogue for, perchance, the greatest story ever written in terms of literature. 

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